Friday, July 31, 2020

Episode 224 audio

Click here for episode 224 audio.

1 comment:

  1. Re stitch marker tips: I am used to knitting lace shawls, and always use stitch markers to mark the edge and centre stitches, and sometimes pattern repeats. For the first time ever I recently also used a lifeline, as I was coming to the end of a ball of yarn, and didn't know if I'd have enough to do the last section. If not, I thought, I could rip back to the lifeline and bind off there. However, using the method of threading the lifeline through the extra hole on my Knit Pro interchangeable needles, it didn't occur to me that it would also go through my stitch markers, so I wouldn't be able to carry them up to the next row! Fortunately, though ostensibly closed ring markers, they were loops made of a single length of metal, so I was able to force them open slightly and get them over the lifeline. I guess I should use removable stitch markers if using a lifeline in future!
