Shortie socks we have both made include the Rose City Rollers by Mara Catherine Bryner
What are we stalking?
Coastal Highway by Lisa Ross
Field Sweater by Camilla Vad
String of Pearls by Roseanna Murray
Emotional Support Chicken by Annette Corsino
Springfling by The Petite Knitter
What are we knitting? (and crocheting!)
Cloud Iridescence by Kathryn Bernard
Ilha by Orlane Sucche
Ariana by Amy Christoffers
Keep it warm sweater by Yeon Hwa Lee
Sotto il sole by Joji Locatelli
What have we finished?
Elton Pullover by Joji Locatelli
Sharlene's Elton Pullover
It's Not About the Hat by Susan Rainey
Unbearable Hat by Les Garçons
Gayle's Unbearable Hat for Noelle
February Hat by Kate Gagnon Osborn
Gayle's February Hat
Shifty by Andrea Lowry
Gayle's Shifty
Gayle and Sharlene talk about their experiences teaching and why teaching is important to the fiber arts industry. Knit one, teach one!